Water Hammer Analysis Parmakian Pdf 19 __HOT__
Water Hammer Analysis Parmakian Pdf 19 __HOT__

Water Hammer Analysis Parmakian Pdf 19
The transient pressure disturbance in the line is determined by the transient flow and the hydrostatic pressure. The pressure distribution diagram and the pressure distribution of the transient flow are shown in Fig. 9, 10 respectively. The average pressure drop for the transient flow is 14.9 bar, and the average value for transient flow is 8.89 kPa/s. The flow blockage factor (F-factor) is found to be 2.76. It is observed that the flow component FLC does not contribute much to the pressure disturbance in the pipe. The water hammer entropy Hw is computed and plotted in Fig. 11. It is seen that the value of entropy is 9.38 at a transient flow of 8.89 kPa/s with a flow blockage factor of 2.76.
The transient pressure disturbance has been obtained when control valve IVC-101 is closed. By opening the control valve, the flow component FLC is opened and a sudden pressure wave is generated that has been represented in Fig. 12. The pressure wave crosses the control valve FLC and decreases to 0.35-bar immediately, as it can be seen in the figure. Now the transient flow component is taken in the collection tank and the pressure ripple is being attenuated by expansion tank THD-301. The flow rate at steady-state is calculated as 1.401 kPa/s.
The transient pressure in the pipe has been shown in Fig. 13, which has been plotted on a log scale. The graph demonstrates that at certain time instant, pressure in the pipe rises rapidly, which in turn causes collapse of the pipe. The pressure pulse reaches maximum value of 47.8 bar. Thereafter, the pressure decreases sharply to 0.35 bar. The pressure wave in the pipe is represented in Fig. 14 which shows the pressure wave profile and the sharp pressure drop. These features are well-known to researchers in terms of the occurrence of water hammer.
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